Tuesday, March 21, 2017


I’m not religious.
Religion is all about a system of organized rituals, beliefs, and traditions.
Christianity may include some of these elements, but it’s about a relationship with the living GOD through Jesus the Christ.
I never found Jesus the Christ in religion.
In so called Christian religion there is talk about Jesus. They even sing songs about Jesus and sort of religiously tipped their hats to Jesus here and there. BUT there’s a difference between the ritual of a religious life and the reality of a redeemed life.

FIRST, religion is all about outward behavior, while Jesus the Christ focuses on the heart.

SECOND, religion is typically about the negatives. Jesus the Christ is all about freedom in the positives. Religion is filled with you can’t, you shouldn’t, don’t, and a whole lot of thou shalt nots. BUT Jesus the Christ says, “Just come to ME, and I”LL help you.”

THIRD, religion sets up barriers you have to jump over to get to GOD. Jesus the Christ is about knocking down barriers and making it possible for anyone to get to GOD.
Karl Marx said that religion “is the opium of the people”.
I agree.
Religion is an effective “drug” that controls people and the status quo. It numbs the minds of the masses, making them all seem “normal”.
Jesus the Christ doesn’t do that.

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